CH Fieldmasters Home Brew
CH Fieldmasters Three Ring Circus
CH Final Edition of Windermere CD ATDd STDs
CH Freedom of Flintride and Larry Bozer
CH Fromers Free Breeze CD and get
CH Hallmark of Windermere OTDd
CH Hamiltons Buster Brown CDX STDsd HS
CH Heartfires Willin N Able
CH Hemis Regal Request CD STDs OTDd
CH Hot Toddy of Emerald Isle
CH Hotsey Todsee of Fireslide
CH Iacovettas Buck 1
CH Iacovettas Buck 2
Fairoaks Copper Canyon Cedar
Fairoaks Matoyo
Fairoaks Vigilante
Fatal Attraction of Starcross
Fieldmaster of flintridge
Fishers Blue Heather of Windermere
Flintridge Dogs
Georges Miss Molly
Georges Red Rustler 1
Georges Red Rustler 2
Harpers Old Smoky
Hartnagles Hud
Heartfires Dozen Red Roses
Hopscotch of Adelaide