These are the testimonials and emails from previous puppy buyers. We LOVE to hear about our puppies in their new homes. IF you have an Old West puppy and would like to let us know how he or she is doing, please email us. We love seeing pictures of our kids as they grow up with their new families. Please click on the year at the bottom on this page for testimonials from each year.
I just got home from the International Dog show where Rocky (Old West Rocky
Mountain Cowboy) was entered in his first show at 4 months old. He received the
highest ratings at all three shows. Some of the judges comments are, quality
puppy, good attitude, nice to see an outstanding puppy, happy, energetic, great
attitude, moves with happy heart, coat good texture and condition, well
developed for age, hocks perfect for breed, perfect movement, enthusiastic baby
All three judges were extremely pleased with Rocky and said he was an excellent
show puppy. Rocky won his class and Best of Breed at two shows. He went on to
show in Group and won both with Group 1. He then went on to compete for Best in
Show. What an exciting weekend. Rocky came home with a Baby National Champion
title. One more show with high ratings and Rocky will have his Baby
International Champion title.
All day long people were stopping by to tell us what a beautiful puppy he was.
He won the hearts of many. I can't wait until he is six months old so we can
show him at the AKC shows.
Thanks again Kitsy for such a beautiful, sweet, energetic, happy little boy.
Linda Scheid
Hi Kitsy
and John,
I hope you're doing well; I thought you might like an update on our puppies.
Both Maverick and Hobie are thriving! At 12 weeks Maverick weighed 19.1 pounds
and Hobie 17.7. They'll go for their final shots this Saturday, at 16 weeks,
and we'll see how much they've grown. Christopher had a hard time with his
school/work schedule and keeping Hobie in the condo, so he brought him up to my
house to stay and play with his brother. From the moment Hobie arrived it has
been a non-stop wrestling
match. Fortunately, I have enough room for them to have lots of fun. I think
Hobie will go back to San Diego with Christopher after the holidays. They're
enrolled in a puppy obedience class and can come, sit, lie down, stand, heel,
and stay on command--most of the time, at least. Here are a couple of pictures
I took yesterday morning (about 6:30 AM--these guys are VERY early risers!).
It's hard to get them to stand still, but I got
Take care,
Chris Marki
Blowing out the candles
Toby and his favorite cousins, Diane and Gabe Delosreyes
Hi Kitsy,
Rusty started competing June 21 and got his Novice Agility title on June 29. He
has qualified in 5 of 8 runs. He's improving everyday and I'm just glad to have
a puppy that is so fond of working.
Naci Berkoz
Woodstock's Bulut AX OAJ
Old West New Kid in Town NA
Just checked your website and see that you're hoping to have another litter with
Willie X Amanda. Thought you'd like to know that our 9/10/02 puppy, "Ben", is
absolutely outstanding. If I every get computer literate enough to be able to
send you photos, I will. He's now 9 1/2 months old and has completed a
beginning and intermediate obedience class, as well as his first agility class.
I've never tried any agility before, so it's a learning experience for both of
us, but so much fun! Hope you can see Ben someday. He's really something, and
I think you'd be proud to have been the breeders of this great aussie.
Vicki Ernenwein
Got some more new
pics of "HUMMER AGAIN" online ....... check 'em out!
He's so fun (and difficult) to get good action pics ..... but I DID !!!
God Bless from
Clydine and Phil 'n' Crew
Kitsy and John--
thought you might like to hear how Annie (she should have been named 'Mischief")
survived her first weekend. She is a character--into everything--loves the
grass and runs and runs. She and Molly are now good buddies and accepted each
other right away. Molly was somewhat 'green around the gills' in the car going
home and Annie kept giving her kisses. The kisses turned into mauling once they
got into the backyard. She looks at you with such an innocent fact and eyes and
one can see her mind thinking about "what can I get into next!" Molly is very
shy but holds her own. The socializing you did with Annie is evident and we
thank you for it.
Linda and Reg Price
we love chance.. he is 60 lbs of pure fur and just turned 7 months. Do you think he will get bigger? he is so. very smart and so much fun. he swims, fetches, loves his walks plays Frisbee catch and he is obedience trained . I just love his personality he is always right next to me. ready for anything even to watch a movie. I have been taking him to the elementary school and letting all the kids pet him so he would be a little more socialized. The kids love his blue eye and wiggly butt... Jim says I can have another one.. I am going to wait until he is a year then we will be out to see you... Oh by the way when do you think I should get chance altered? Your last litter was beautiful chrissy says hi.
Terri Glass
Hi This is Douglas
and Federica Carrion.
In Sept of 2002 we were give a gift, a blue merle male puppy named Ellington.
Purchased by Francesca Avincola for us as an early Xmas present.
Anyway, Ellington is great and super active !! Enclosed is an image I took via
digital camera ( it is the only time he EVER stopped to take a photo in his
first 7 months !! )
We are going to get him fixed in late Aug or early Sept of this year and soon
afterwards would like to get him a friend. Could you please put us on the
waiting list for a Blue Merle pet quality female puppy.
Thank you in advance... Ellington is amazing and we love him dearly!
The Carrions
Our little
princess Maya is doing well (Cisco x Patches 02/21/2002, Mika's sister). She's
the sweetest, nicest, most caring & cuddly dog. We absolutely love her. She's
really really girly and she loves to bring her toys and our socks to us. She
knows sign language and she's smart as a whip. She's been to 2 different puppy
schools and she's now studying for her bachelor's in agility at a really good
private school. We love her dearly! (can you tell?) People stop us at the
dog parks and around town and go out of their way to comment on how absolutely
beautiful she is. Of course, we politely nod and say "yes, we know". :)
She absolutely loves water. We can't keep her away from the hose when
watering the garden, and she has her own pool (spoiled thing!). We're so glad
we have her, and we recommend you to everybody we come across that's interested
in an Aussie. Thanks for everything, and we look forward to getting a brother
for her soon. Love, Mike & Allie.
2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
2022 |