These are the testimonials and emails from previous puppy buyers. We LOVE to hear about our puppies in their new homes. IF you have an Old West puppy and would like to let us know how he or she is doing, please email us. We love seeing pictures of our kids as they grow up with their new families. Please click on the year at the bottom on this page for testimonials from each year.
Dear Kitsy,
I just wanted to tell you how much we love KOA, the red try male that we got
from you this spring. He has to be one of the happiest dogs in the world! We
spend part of our time at the beach where he loves to run and play with other
dogs. Then, we spend the rest of our time on a 34 acre ranch where he has full
run of the ranch. He is a very happy boy!
We've started training with Wency, but will be looking for a trainer in Ojai. I
was wondering if you have any suggestions about someone in Ojai?
Koa is happy to see everyone, loves all other dogs and is a joy to have as a new
member in our family!
Thank you Kitsy.
Keri Starbuck
Kitsy and John;
This Saturday Romeo (Amanda & Wrangler 2/21/04) turns 6 months and starts his
first herding class. You may remember him as Black Tri #1 or the big “rollie
pollie” of the litter. John used to tell us how he liked to “sing.” Well Romeo
is a true lover and is growing up to be the most adored puppy wherever we take
him. People always comment on how handsome and personable he is. He is
completely socialized, loves to play with children and other dogs, has no
aggression issues and is just stunning to look at. We are debating if we should
show him or have him altered.
We are also considering getting him a playmate. We’re bummed we missed your
last litter. Since Romeo is a Black Tri we are interested in a Red Tri or
Merle. Are you sure you want to keep the Red Merle Girl? We also saw the Red
Tri and Blue Merle Girls on the Heartfire Puppies site. What do you think of
them? We are so biased to your dogs it’s hard to imagine going someplace else.
Anyway, please let us know your thoughts about a good playmate for Romeo and
the pros and cons of showing him or having him altered.
Lastly, we would love to take a drive and bring Romeo to see you, John, Wrangler
and Amanda again. Let us know if you would like that, and if so, when would be
a good time for you.
All the best,
Louie and Jeanine Lorenzo
Hi Kitsy, I
just wanted to let you know that Fozzi (Hot Rod X Tori) was fantastic on his
first camping trip. We went into the mountains in the Sierras and Fozzi was by
far the most well behaved and obedient dog in the group. He loves to swim in
the creeks, rivers and lakes and is always the first to jump in. One of our
friends actually had a professionally trained sheriff's Rot. up there and Fozzi
showed him a thing or two. He has been such an amazing dog we are really
looking forward to getting his "little brother" at the end of September. We
will send pics as soon as we get them developed. Thanks again!
Carolyn Burgess
CrauforD Wine Company
Sorry its been so long since I've sent anything about Rusty (Old West New Kid in
Town 2-25-02). We've just been really busy training and competing. Yesterday,
Rusty earned his first Grand Prix qualification and got a 3rd!! Rusty has been
an amazing companion and quite a surprise on the agility field. He's not even 3
yet and within seconds of the fastest Border Collies. He is one fast Aussie
with tons of drive. Many other aussie people have asked if he was intact just
because of the drive. He's really a young boy and he's got lots of growing up
to do, but you can see his maturity in everything his does. He's just an
outstanding little kid and he's one cute puppy. Thanks again for Rusty,
he's one in a million.
Naci Rusty Bulut
Hi Kitsy,
Here are some recent pictures
of my beautiful boy, Sharky (Tori X Hot Rod 8/21/04).
He graduated from obedience recently and has learned to wave and shake paws.
As you can see he loves the kitty. Not sure she loves him so much though.
He really has turned out so gorgeous. I get all kinds of compliments about
him. He has discovered that he has a voice not only for barking, but for
talking back. When he wanted to play he gets one of his chewies and growls
and barks with it in his mouth. Usually with the butt up in the air.
He really is a comedian. Every night around 6 pm he gets wild and runs as
fast as he can around the house; ricochets off the back of the couch.
I wish I had a video camera, it's hysterical. The other fun thing he dos
is bump me with his cold nose on the back of my legs to get me to run around
with him. If I don't run then he pushes his way through my legs so he can
look up at me and growl some more.
When I get home from work, or wake up in the morning he has to have his butt scratched. So he pushes his way through my legs and stops when his rear end is in front of me and waits for me to scratch it. This is our everyday ritual.
Thanks for my wonderful, wonderful boy.
Hi, Kitsy
I just wanted to let you know how Noah is doing. He is such a lovable, sweet,
and smart boy. We just finished puppy-k and we are starting dog school next
month. He’s very responsive to training, and I think eventually we are going
to do some agility or Frisbee because he is able to jump just like his dad.
He has already been to the beach, to the mountains, and the annual Mission Viejo Dawgwalk fundraiser.
He hasn’t met a dirty sock he doesn’t like, and tries to “bury” them in the backyard, so we’ve gated the room that contains the laundry and the cat box (he likes that too-yuck!).
boys love him to pieces, and he has become a beloved member of our family.
are some pictures I took on Father’s Day, and I’ll send you some more when he
gets bigger. Thank you for such a wonderful puppy.
Regards, Michelle Radmore (Mikayla X Wrangler 2/25/04)
Attached are recent pictures of Rocky (Willie x
Amanda 8/2/2003) He is such a
pleasure. I have started Agility classes with him and he just loves it so much
he barks through the whole class wanting to take his turn. He has such
enthusiasm and is very fast.
I have also started showing him myself in AKC. So far he has 5 blue ribbons and
one reserve winner. I had the Winning Image take his picture at the Pomona show
and thought you would like to see how he has grown.
Hope all is well with you.
Linda Scheid
(Mikayla X Wrangler 2/25/04)
Just thought I'd drop you a note and tell you that "Rider" is doing great. We
have started hiking about 3 miles each morning and he is holding his own with
the girls, Lilly and Crystal. We will be increasing his distance as he gets
older. He sits, stays, comes, and does his business on command. Just a
smarty. We start Puppy kindergarten next week.
Will send you a better picture soon
Georgia Reece
(Amanda x Wrangler - DOB 2/21/04)
Just thought I would send
you a picture of Scout and Kaitie. They are becoming great friends. Scout is in
puppy kindergarten and is doing well. She does like to herd the other pups
though. We are very happy with our new puppy!
(Reno X Bloomers - DOB 2/25/04)
You must be so busy with all those gorgeous puppies! I'm rather envious of
all the fun their new owners are going to have soon. Here are new pictures of
Hobie and Maverick, now 8 months old. Hobie is back living with us again,
enjoying the open space and his brother's company. They go to day care 3-4 days
a week with 3 other Aussies, who keep them in line. Both are big cuddlers who
love to run on the beach and ride with the top down. We're doing a basic
obedience class with Maverick , and will start one with Hobie in 2 weeks.
Thanks for raising such great puppies!
Chris Marki
(Willie X Amanda - DOB 9/03)
Hi Kitsy!
Just a note to say how much we adore our two girls, Presley (Willie x Amanda
9/10/02-black tri) and Kiwi (Willie x Amanda 8/02/03-blue merle). Both are so
adorable and Presley is such a big sister to Kiwi. It is cute how they try to
"herd" each other and Kiwi will jump into my lap to let Presley know that she
(Kiwi) is possessive of me! It is pretty amusing until both start to "air snap"
at each other and whine; but I can tell that Presley is happy to have her sister
with her for company regardless!
Presley has a mellower
disposition than Kiwi. Kiwi loves to "talk"...everything still seems new to her.
Both do their "wiggle-butt" dance when it is time for their daily walks. We have
2-3 other Aussies on our block that "the girls" like to say "Hi" to.
Our family enjoys these two immensely. Attached are 2 photos. One was taken the
week we brought Kiwi home to Northern California Oct.'03, she was 8-9 wks at
that time. The second one was taken just last week, March '04.
We enjoy seeing the photos of their brothers and sisters online! Thanks!
(Willie X Amanda - 9/02 & 9/03)
I have been checking out the new litters. Wow! a bunch of puppies all at once.
They are absolutely beautiful. Sharky is huge! I just love him more than
anything. He is such a great dog. I was wondering if you will be having any
more litters this year. I really want another female. Plus Sharky needs a
buddy. My niece is moving back to New Mexico this summer and he will be just
devastated. He really loves her so much. So I figured I would get another one
from you. Most of all I want another Aussie. As soon as I get my 2nd, my
family will be complete. I hope all is well with you. Let me know if you're
planning for more pups this year. I'll send more pictures as soon as I get
Take care.
Hi Kitsy:
Just wanted to let you know how Ben is doing. He's now 18 months old, and what
an outstanding dog he is. My goal over the next few months is to get a digital
camera so I can send you a picture of him. He is so smart and so handsome. Are
you planning any more litters with Amanda and Willie? Amanda's current litter
sure is good looking. I'd be interested down the road in another aussie,
probably a female this time.
Vicki Ernenwein and Ben
Hi Kitsy,
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write and send some pictures of Sharky (Sharkbait).
It has been really crazy since I picked him up.....He is truly the most
wonderful dog. He has so much personality and absolutely loves my niece.
Right now he stands at 17" at the shoulders and is just over 4 months old.
Needless to say I'm really excited about how big he is getting. He's been
to the vet and they just love him. His markings are unbelievable.
Beautiful is the only way to describe him. He is very attached to my mom's
kitty too. He thinks that she is his live squeaky toy. But he is
very gentle when they play.
recently his bark has become very deep. No more puppy bark from him.
he is very protective of his backyard and most of all, his toy basket.
When he is protecting the yard he has a very intimidating bark. The other
day he growled because he heard something out front and I was so surprised at
how deep it is. I wouldn't want to be a prowler trying to break into my
I haven't had any trouble training him. No
chewing problems, digging or otherwise. He seems to understand "no"
immediately. Potty training was easier than I had expected. He just
goes to the door and whines a little and we let him out. The funny thing
is that every time people see him they think he is a Husky mix. I figured
after all of these years that more people would know an Australian Shepherd when
they see one. But I guess in that sense they are still kind of rare.
I will send more updates and pictures. I'll try not to wait too long next
time. Thank you so much for such a beautiful, smart and loveable
dog. I can't tell you how happy he makes me.
2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
2022 |