These are the testimonials and emails from previous puppy buyers. We LOVE to hear about our puppies in their new homes. IF you have an Old West puppy and would like to let us know how he or she is doing, please email us. We love seeing pictures of our kids as they grow up with their new families. Please click on the year at the bottom on this page for testimonials from each year.
Hi Kitsy,
It’s been a long time, but I wanted to send you a note and a pic of Fozzi (Hot Rod X Tori). This photo was taken this November and he’s proven not only to be an amazing companion but also an amazing family dog…we now have a two year old son.
We’re hoping to add yet another Aussie to our brood this spring/summer and hoping you’ll have some puppies!
Happy New Year!
carolyn corley burgess
HI Kitsy,
I have some great shots of him in Montana @ 11 thousand feet where the famous 'Cloud' mustang herd is and many many others. He had a thrilling time chasing wild antelope in the middle of nowhere in Utah this summer. I photograph wild mustangs in their natural habitat and he enjoys being out there. I'll look for those pix if you are interested in any more. Thank you for such a great dog. By the way, he never chewed up things, ALWAYS woke me up to go outside to go to the bathroom even as a puppy, is great with other dogs and cats and kids. My son is 8 and he and his friends have always rolled around with Zorro and he is
Hi Kitsy,
I keep meaning to email you about our wonderful dog Scout. I don’t think it would be possible to have a better companion and best friend than our dog. I know everyone probably feels that way about their Aussie! He is beautiful and has the best disposition. Your advice was right about not getting two at once and waiting until he was older, especially since he was my first Aussie puppy. He was in the Wrangler and Cinder’s litter of May 12, 2006. We are thinking of adding one more in the summer of 2009, when he is three. So we will be in again touch then.
He loved his agility and obedience classes and performed well. I hope to take him to sheep herding this year. He has such a strong herding instinct! We walk the horse trails here everyday and he can go off leash with his pals. He loves to keep them all in line and if one strays he is right there bringing them back to the pack. He is also a great Lacrosse player! He is the perfect companion for our son and the most loyal friend to him.
I hope you are doing well and I see that you will be busy with two litters this December. I can’t wait to see the pictures of the new puppies. Thank you so much for raising wonderful Aussies and letting him be such a special part of our lives!
The Staver Family
We just wanted to send you a note and some photos of our red-tri and Feathers
daughter Ginger. She is a wonderful and gorgeous dog--full of spirit and
personality. Also, as a Partner great-granddaughter, she reminds us often of
our first dog Hope--a Partner daughter. We look forward to seeing you at
Mountain View this year, and my nephew Josiah most likely will have you as a
teacher. Our daughter Caroline will be in the seventh grade.
Brian and Jen Peterson
Hi Kitsy,
Just thought we would send a picture of Chloe at 6 months (Old West Fields of Clover). She was the only Black tri girl from Cinder’s November 07 litter. As you can see she is stunning and smart as a whip! Just as you predicted she is a dominate personality and a force of nature! We are waiting for that famous "Aussi off switch" to come on-line. She loves the beach any kind of water and our ageing Border Collie, Allie. She is a wonderful dog and we are so happy we found you.
Thank you again,
Heather Malone
Coronado, California
We hope you and your “pack” are doing well. We have a little news to share. As I think I mentioned, I’ve been showing Maverick and Hobie in altered conformation. Maverick does very well, but generally the turnout is small, so up until a couple of weeks ago he had 23 points and no majors. But at the Norcal show in Dixon a couple of weeks ago he was Winners Dog/Best of Winners/Best of Breed in both shows on Saturday—and they were both major wins. So now we just have one more major to go. Hopefully there will be one in September. Hobie got a Best of Breed win also a couple of months ago, so he has points now too! We’ve added tracking to our list of activities, and I had them herding tested. Maverick seems to have some real herding ability and we’re doing some low-key training with him (livestock isn’t exactly my thing: sheep are big and cows even bigger). Hobie has ability, too, but he over-reacted to the sheep and then, when he got corrected for it, sort of shut down, so we need to try him again with more gentle instruction. I’m attaching a picture from Maverick’s morning BOB win (the “afternoon” show ended at 11 pm and the pictures are not good!).
Are you going to the nationals in Las Vegas? I think we will go, perhaps to show them in altered, and probably in agility. We hope to see you there.
Christine Marki
Hi Kitsy,
We thought you would enjoy seeing what a beautiful young adult Matuka turned out to be. He has such a sweet personality and is truly a “lap dog”. What a great Ausi!
Blessings, Bill, Grace, Wil, Jake, & Sydney Egan
It's been over six years now since my wife and I picked up Victor (offspring of
Cinder and Partner) from you. He has been a wonderful addition to the family
and is doing great. I have attached a picture of him at the beach.
Kind regards,
Just a quick note (and another gorgeous photo) to let you know how Kona is doing. She is the sweetest little girl. At almost 15 months she has a wide variety of tricks she’ll perform. She’ll give a great ‘high 5’ and speaks on command. Her sit/stays and down/stays have become quite handy for posing her for pictures. She learns everything very quickly and is so attentive and always eager to please (or do whatever menial trick we’re trying for a treat). *giggles* We recently taught her to play dead! She is just too adorable! She’s still very gentle and has been on several pet therapy visits. I have been volunteering with her through the Saddleback Valley Humane Society and she’s doing really well with it. Soon she’ll be taking her Canine Good Citizen test and then hopefully moving on to Pet Partners.
Everywhere I take her people always compliment her and tell me what a beautiful face she has. Of course, how can I disagree? =) She loves people and does great with children. I’m really looking forward to seeing your next litter (hoping it is another Feathers/Wrangler pairing). I am very interested in adding another one of your puppies to our family and giving her a little playmate.
Thanks again for entrusting this beautiful girl to us.
Lisa & John Clinton
Mission Viejo, CA
2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
2022 |