These are the testimonials and emails from previous puppy buyers. We LOVE to hear about our puppies in their new homes. IF you have an Old West puppy and would like to let us know how he or she is doing, please email us. We love seeing pictures of our kids as they grow up with their new families. Please click on the year at the bottom on this page for testimonials from each year.
Hi Kitsy,
It’s been too long since I’ve been in contact. We hope you’re doing well—I follow your web site and see how many beautiful puppies you’ve bred over the months!
We’ve been very busy training and playing (playing wins most of the time!) I don’t know if you get updated when dogs you’ve bred get titles, but we’ve added a few: Maverick has his AKC/ASCA CD, 2 legs toward his AKC CDX; OA, OAJ, with 2 legs toward his AXJ and 1 toward his AX. Hobie is close behind with an AKC/ASCA CD, NAJ, OA. Now that we’re working at the excellent level, things get MUCH harder, and my shortcomings as a handler are manifest!
At the urging of my obedience teacher, who thinks Maverick is the best-looking Aussie she’s ever seen, I’ve started showing in ASCA altered conformation. So far, Maverick has 14 points (all 1 or 2 point wins; it’s very difficult to get enough altered dogs for a major) in just a few shows this year. Hobie sort of goes along for the ride, but he does it in good humor. I’ve also started taking tracking lessons with Hobie. So far, tracking seems to be his very favorite organized activity—sniffing, food, what’s not to like?
I’m attaching several pictures of
them at the Delta show last weekend—feel free to comment on our form (or lack of
Best wishes for a happy holiday and a prosperous new year.
Christine Marki
Vice President
Marki Microwave, Inc.
Hope all is well and happy holidays. Just wanted to give you the good news that
Rusty just earned his MACh!! It was very cool to finally get to that point. The
speed was always there (he has enough speed points for MACh 4!!), it was justing
getting those double Q's. The last half year he has not only been fast
(actually faster than ever), but very consistent. I attached a couple of photos,
one sporting his new ribbon, and one of him at work.
Take care,
Naci Berkoz,
Rusty, Bulut, Trouble!
Hi Kitsy!
Congratulations on your recent litter of 11 pups! Oh my! Looks like you're in
for a wonderful time with all those sweet little puppy squeaks.
I wanted to let you know that we are truly enjoying our puppy from your May
litter, and my brother is just as charmed with her sister pup. They are both
loving and always wanting to please. My girl, Izzy, is alert, smart, and always
ready for a good game or a long walk/run. We are amazed at how quickly she has
learned the basic sit, down, stay and will also offer her paw in a polite shake.
She loves to chase and retrieve a ball, although we are still practicing the
drop portion of this as she'd rather play the game of us chasing her for the
ball. She loves to "herd" us around by pushing her nose against our leg, but she
also walks very well beside us while on a lead. We are hoping to find a local
trainer and enroll her in stock training because I think she would absolutely
enjoy herself and find great pleasure in doing what she instinctively desires.
Today she lost her first baby
tooth and as you can imagine she loves to chew on just about anything we'll let
her have. I'm attaching a couple pictures so you can see what lovely dogs you
have bred for us and I wanted to thank you for all the laughter and joy that
this marvelous young girl has brought into our home. Please give Cinder and
Wrangler a scratch behind the ear from us.
DeLys Bimer
Born on 12/15/06 – Black Tri #
Kona is doing great. She’s growing up to be a very gentle and curious little girl. I’m attaching some pictures to show you how she’s changed. I think she’s really looking like her handsome Dad =)
She loves playing at the dog park with other dogs and really looks forward to meeting other people and dogs. She is very fast and extremely smart! The little bugger figured out how to open the back door if the dog door is closed. She’s being spoiled rotten and continues to amaze us every day with her antics.
We’re still planning on training her for pet therapy and she continues to show us that she’ll be a good fit for that.
IMG_4235, IMG_4267 and IMG_4268 were all taken when she was 8 months old.
9 months … taken on 9-15-07
Thank you for breeding such a beautiful little girl.
Lisa & John Clinton
Hi Kitsy,
I thought you would like to see our beautiful dog, Jack. My daughter and I drove out to buy him the day before you left for your Alaska trip on July 5th, 2006. We have been so happy with him. He is not for show ,although he would have made a beautiful show dog, I think. He is a family dog and has a black lab mix sister who is 11. She has regained some energy out of necessity since they play all the time. Jack has a nice yard, sleeps with us on the bed, goes to the beach on weekends and to the dog park in the evenings. We love him and thank you so very much. He is full of love and kisses.
Thanks, Sandy
Hope this finds you well. Bode is about 9 months old now and he is doing
great! We just took him camping at Trinity Lake (near Lake Shasta) and he loved
it! Our other dog, Chester is more of a water lover, but Bode really liked
riding in the boat. It was his first time at a lake or near water, so we think
that as he gets more exposure, he will like swimming more. Attached are some
pictures from our trip and one in our backyard. Bode is the alpha of the two
dogs, as Chester has never been a real "leader". They play and pal around
together. Bode is a pretty good listener: sits, lays down, we are still working
on "stay," but he loves to play ball and frisbee and to go on walks/ hikes. He
rarely barks, but when he does, it is usually because there is a deer on the
other side of our backyard fence. he loves running the fence-line with them.
Thanks for such a great dog. We love him!Best,
Devin and Shana Reiss
Dear Kitsy,
Just wanted to tell you how much we continue to enjoy Abbey (Mickey & Mikayla). She is your first entry under testimonials for 2002. Abbey is the love of our life. We are told often that she is the most beautiful dog people have ever seen.
Abbey travels everywhere with us. We only frequent animal friendly establishments. This picture is of Abbey by the Golden Gate bridge when we were in San Francisco last February.
Thank you for this gift of a dog who is bright, loving, and beautiful!
Eric & Marci Slater
7/7/07 Hi Kitsy:
Here is a picture I took of Noah (Wrangler and Mikayla), on our last camping
trip in 4/2007. I can hardly believe that we've had him for over three years
now. He's such a sweetie pie, very smart, and, as you can see, very handsome. I
hope all is going well with you over in your neck of the woods. Our boys are
doing great, and Kirk is now in remission, so we are keeping our fingers
Wishing you a fun and relaxing Summer vacation,
Michelle Radmore
Hi Kitsy,
Its been quite a while since I've given you an update on Rusty. He is doing
absolutely wonderfully. He is
still as rambunctious as he was as a pup, but I like him that way. We've been
mountain biking with Rusty
and my border collie as of late and man is he fast. He can keep up with me no
matter how fast I'm riding!
Now for the agility. He's been doing really well in USDAA and he had a very
strong showing at nationals.
He'll be 5 in 2 months, but he's already achieved his Lifetime Achievement
Award-Bronze level. He's actually really close to Silver. Okay, this is a mouthful, but these are his
titles in USDAA.
Agility Dog Champ-Bronze
Tournament Masters-Platinum
Standard Champ-Bronze
Snooker Champ-Silver
Relay Champ-Bronze
Gamblers Champ-Bronze
Jumpers Ch-Bronze
He's been just a knockout in USDAA. He's actually the #3 26" Gamblers, #4 26"
Tournament, and #10 26"
Snooker dog for 2006. Pretty amazing guy.
We pretty much have all of our scores for the AKC World Team Tryouts, so that
will be exciting. I
decided to pull out last year so I'm very excited for this year. Now for my
boneheaded move of my lifetime.
I thought that Rusty had his required 6 Double Q's for AKC nats as of 3 months
ago. Turns out the first
one was 2 weeks before the qualifying period and so we can't enter the nats.
What a frustrating situation.
Next year:(
Anyways, thanks again for trusting me with Rusty, he's once in a lifetime. I
attached some BW photos from a
regional championship.
Happy New Year,
Naci Berkoz
1/1/07Hi Kitsy:
2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
2022 |