These are the testimonials and emails from previous puppy buyers. We LOVE to hear about our puppies in their new homes. IF you have an Old West puppy and would like to let us know how he or she is doing, please email us. We love seeing pictures of our kids as they grow up with their new families. Please click on the year at the bottom on this page for testimonials from each year.
Here are a couple of shots of Cocoa (Tori X Wrangler 12/25/04), and Sharky (Tori
X Hotrod 8/21/03). Cocoa has turned out so beautiful. She is such a love. But
she has her crazy redhead moments too. She is absolutely the boss around here.
Sharky has become the mellow boy. But he also has his very silly episodes.
They are inseparable. We go to this great dog park here in Las Vegas; it’s
about 7 acres. Sharky has a couple of girlfriends that he loves to play with.
Cocoa on the other hand is the social butterfly. She likes to greet everyone
that comes in. She really is very sweet. But they are never too far away from
one another. Miss Cocoa is coming up on her 1 year birthday on Christmas. I
can’t believe
my babies are 2 and 1 already, seems like I just brought them home. Anyway
Happy Holidays.
Talk to you soon,
Tawnia, Sharky & Cocoa
Las Vegas, NV
Hello. I hope things are well. We have A.J., who is from Tori and Wrangler's
12/25/04 litter and we must say he is a great dog. He is very social and loving
to both other dogs and other people. He is pushing 65 pounds and still seems to
be growing and filling out. He is doing agility down in Yorba Linda and seems to
like it alot.
We do have a couple of questions regarding a second dog. We would like to get a
second dog and are planning on spring. We just love A.J.'s disposition and would
love to go though you again. Do you know who you are breeding in spring? Can we
be put on a waiting list? We would prefer a black tri but that is not set in
stone. Do you have any opinions on boys or girls when having two dogs?
Please let us know.
Matt and Missy Bright
Hi Kitsy,
Hi Kitsy,
Here is a picture of Toby's from this last weekend. He was RWD at both shows on
Saturday to majors and WD/BOS over 5 top winning specials on Sunday under SBJ
Laura Shivers! Regi says he is showing better and better every time! He will
be going to
another show next weekend. I will let you know how he does.
I hope all is well with you.
Ursula Borg
Long time since I've given you an update on Rusty (2-25-02). Like I said before
he is one heck of a pup. We went to our second USDAA agility nationals
this past weekend and met both of the goals I set. First he got into the
semifinals for the Grand Prix (next year we'll keep the bars up and make the
finals), and the second was to place in one of the Team events. He did that
too, but he did it in style. Rusty is the 2005 26" Team Snooker Champion!!! He
got first place, it was surreal. Again thank you for trusting me with Rusty,
he's a once in a lifetime dog.
Old West New Kid in Town "Rusty" AX AXJ MAD GM SM RM SAM TM-Bronze
I can't believe that Maverick and Hobie will be 2 years old next week! They
have certainly changed our lives--most days, for the better! They have some
recent accomplishments to report: They have both completed their Novice Rally
titles, and Maverick has completed his CD (with three first place wins in his
first three competitions). He is such a quick, eager learner, and he always
does his best to please me. Hobie has one leg toward his CD with a third place
finish. He doesn't find obedience training as engaging as Maverick does, but
when he puts his mind to it he does very well.
beginning competition in agility, but taking it slowly, mostly for MY benefit
since they're agile and I'm definitely NOT. I think agility will be Hobie's
strong suit--he's a very powerful jumper and seems to love running the courses.
Maverick is a bit of a "velcro" dog, but he's smooth and graceful when he runs.
We took them to Lake Tahoe last week, and Hobie decided
to swim for the first time. He had a great time fetching sticks--which
Maverick, who thinks swimming is for ducks, promptly stole from him when he got
to shore. I can't tell you how much joy these dogs have brought us. We receive
so many compliments on their good looks and behavior (ah, if people only knew!),
but what is most important is their loving hearts. Thank you so much for our
two best friends!
Chris Marki
(3-4-03), looks just like her Daddy, Reno. She has to go to sleep with her
'Booda' and is not as innocent as her picture! Annie has become the "Queen Bee"
of the local dog park and with her cousin, Molly, herds every dog who comes into
the park. No dog has the chance to catch a ball--the dog is herded away from
his or her ball or Frisbee. She is very smart but still has a very stubborn
streak when she has her mind on her goal. Annie also likes to snitch whatever
Molly has. However, they have become the best of buddies and they are head
turners wherever they go. We were asked the other day if we painted the spots
on our Aussies. Annie has been and continues to be a joy.
Linda and Reg Price
Hi Kitsy,
I am in the process of loading pictures and thought I would send you a couple
that I found of Toby. These were taken in October. I will try to send you some
more recent pictures when I can.
Ursula Borg
Here is AJ, one of Tori and Wrangler’s Christmas babies. Everything has gone smoothly since day one. Housetraining and sleeping through the night were both one day jobs. He has been pretty good with our three indoor cats, but their tails are getting more interesting everyday.
He is so gorgeous and so friendly! He loves having people stop to admire him and is a bit upset if they don’t. He has met a few dogs and has played well with them too. We are just shocked at how quickly he grows and changes. We can’t wait until this summer when he can travel up the coast with us.
Thank you so much for this wonderful addition to our family.
Missy and Matt Bright
Hi Kitsy,
I wanted to send you a note on the progress of Cocoa. She is absolutely the
silliest puppy. She made herself right at home when we got back to Las Vegas.
Sharky is in heaven. She chases him all over the house and the backyard. They
can go for a good hour. I really have to invest in a video camera, they are
just hysterical.
She has definitely shown Sharky that she is the boss. But then again he is a
push-over. They have this game of teasing each other with the toys. She will
get one out of the toy basket and parade it by Sharky, taunting him to come
after her, then she runs as fast as she can to the bed and lays on top of the
toy so he can't get it. Then he will do the same thing to her. Their most
favorite thing is newspaper, paper towels or any kind of paper they can get
their mouths on. Then it becomes confetti all over the house. Cocoa, hoards all
the toys in her bed. Sharky has met his match, he can't keep all the toys to
himself without a fight anymore.
I can't tell you much we are enjoying her. She is the best medicine to cheer me
and Sharky up after losing GiGi. I just love them both so much, I can't
imagine life without them.
Thank you for such great companions.
I'll send pictures soon.
Take care,
Kitsy - just thought I'd send you a quick note about Stormy and a picture (of
course!). She's moved into our lives as though she had always been part of our
family. She and Bear (our 6 yr old Aussie) have become friends. Stormy likes
to tease him with toys and he lets her win. After a few days she was able to
recognize her name when called. She's only had a few accidents in the house and
today actually went to the door when she needed to go out. She's absolutely
adorable. We'll keep in touch with her progress.
I know it has been a long time since we have talked but I thought I would send you these pictures of Sadie since she is 10 years old today. She is the most wonderful friend that I have ever had. She has never been sick, she is always happy, and still turns heads cause she is so cute. This is in her new backyard and in the garage on my old chair showing off. She sleeps on our feet and is always with one of us night and day.
Thank you so much for my puppy! We LOVE her so much!
I hope all is well with you and all your pets. How old is Partner now ? Do you still show your dogs? Some how I stopped getting the Aussie Magazine so I have lost touch with all the shows etc.
Love to
hear from you
Barbara Siemon
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